Thursday, November 22, 2007

Summer Blues 18 May 2007

Whoa! Life has changed so much after my guide returned. Suddenly I find myself amidst loads of work. I have to work till 7:30 , 6 days a week.
Apparently my guide got a shouting from the bosses in Europe over the plans which he had. My boss’s boss was also telling him, “ Your plans are bullshit … absolute bullshit Doc” . Now that he has to perform, he has told me to buckle up. Now my project will involve loads of traveling and ‘sir-khapai’. After all He has to deliver, and I have to do the work. How logical.

So now here I am, enroute my way to Ambala & Solan. Trying to figure out all about mushrooms. Reminds me of that sub-edible mushroom-mutter that we used to get in PEC.. yaad hai? Those were the days when we would just go to mezbaan-11 and dine to our hearts content in 70 rupees. In Bombay saala a ‘bhutta’ costs 25/- . washing a shirt costs 15/- . washing a pant costs 25/-. 1 dozen of mangoes cost 250 Rs et al.

And amidst all this workload is the CFA exam on june 3. 25 days more. And now I’m ready to press the panic button. Thank god that I have completed the syllabus so I know that I’ll be able to revise it. Had I not, would have been dead turkey by now.

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